Time to restart some blogging! Now i have a camera, i hope to get some more posts written then the miserable 2 since the beginning of the year.
So let's begin, first off with with the City State soldiers.
"Onward to Victory!"
These men represent troops of the City States, the settlements that managed to survive the Reclaiming of Normedra and are beginning to rebuild themselves. They are well armed and uniformed, but their units are generally smaller than their enemies. Their tactics are focused around their squad machine guns and long range rifle fire.
I didn't want a monotonous force in all white, so decided to go for a variety of camouflage styles. There are 3 squads of 8 men each, plus a HQ section of 2 officers and an anti-tank team.
1st squad
Most of the figures are Battlefront Americans from the Vietnam range, with a few WWII Americans and Soviets, some with head-swaps or some milliput here and there.
2nd squad
I changed every grenade launcher armed figure in the platoon, as there are only 2 in the Vietnam range. This one below uses legs from a firing rifleman.
I might go back and add some grass or rubble to the bases, but they'll do for now.
3rd squad
Firing from the hip, i thought of Rambo when i made this. The loader on the left has an ammunition belt around his neck.
Officers and lone scout. The platoon sergeant on the right is a Soviet with an American head. The scout also has a new hat.
Rocket launcher team. The firer uses a grenade launcher legs.
In my Normedra background, the City soldiers defend their own cities as well as smaller settlements such as farms or oil rigs from various enemies. They are well armed with light machine guns and assault rifles, making them tough at long and close range. They also have lots of support options thanks to the City industries. Their main weakness is their lack of numbers, as a few casualties can hurt them.
I've also done a tank for them. I wanted a battered look, as post-apocalyptic environments aren't kind on vehicles! So i added plenty of scratches and some rolls and oil tanks on the deck, ideal for long drives through the Normedran tundra.
I did a sort of swan symbol on the side of the hull and turret in black as a unit symbol.
The stowage is all milliput, and the turret is from a Panzer IV.